What are You Most Thankful for This Thanksgiving?


Thanksgiving is a holiday in which we should be thankful for the people and the things happening our lives. Of course, we should be thankful every day for even waking alive each day and being able to take a breath.

I know I am thankful for each new day, and I’m thankful for several people and things in my life.

Writer friends share what they are thankful for

This year I thought it would be fun to ask my fellow writers what they are thankful for. Some of them were more than willing to share.

“I’m thankful for all of the author friends I’ve made online who are generous with their time and knowledge, kind in their praise, and gentle with their criticism.” — Carolyn Astfalk

“I’m thankful for my family and how helpful and supportive they are with my writing. I’m quitting work(!) after Christmas to have more time for homeschooling and writing, and my husband and mother are in full support of it. I know I’m lucky.” — Quenby Olson Eisenacher

“I’m thankful for a supportive family that I can share my writing with.” — Rachelle M.N. Shaw

“I’m thankful for readers. Getting feedback reminds me that writing is only half the equation.” — Pam Humphrey

What am I thankful for?

I’m thankful for each new day. I’ve had a few rough days the last year and a rough couple of years, but this year things are looking up for me.

My motto at the beginning of the year was “I am determined.” And I have been. I was determined to change my job situation, and it happened.

I’m thankful for my Nerium family. They’ve given me the positivity I needed in my life, and they support me in whatever way I need to grow my business. All I have to do is ask or reach out.

I’m thankful for my writer friends. They always give me the encouragement and support I need for my writing life. I’m most thankful for the 10 Minute Novelists. I’ve met several new friends there.

I’m thankful for my friends — you know who you are — who support me in my personal life and my writing as well as my Nerium and Thirty-One businesses. That means a lot to me.

Of course, I’m thankful for my family — my son, my parents, my brother and his family, my fur babies, and my daughter. My son may be a typical teen at times now, but he made me cry and laugh as he grew up. And he still makes me do thise things now. I love and support him in all he does. My parents have been there through both the good and the bad for me. They have loved and supported me through my high school activities to my divorce and custody battle. I wouldn’t have made it through without them. 

My brother and his family have supported me as well. My nephew and nieces give me the laughs and hugs when I need them the most. My fur babies keep me sane when I need it the most and keep me company when I’m alone. My daughter may no longer want me in her life, but I am thankful for the eighteen years I did have with her. I will never forget the memories I have of her, and I hope she knows how much I love her.

What are you most thankful for on this Thanksgiving?

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