If you have been following me on my other blog, then you may notice not only is my website address is different, but the other website no longer has a blog.
Yes, that’s right. I am changing things around a bit, and I hope you will hang around for the ride. It’s been a bumpy one for the past few months.
At the beginning of the summer, I pushed for my dream. I have always wanted to be a freelance writer and have dabbled in it off and on for over 15 years. Along with the writing, proofreading is something I enjoy doing as well. I always seem to be the one who finds the tiniest mistakes in someone else’s writing, and people love it when I do find those mistakes.
So, my michelemathews.com website became my Indiana freelance writer and proofreader website. I am officially in business over there!
Beach Girl Publishing is not really a publishing company as of yet. I’m not sure it will ever be, but it was a way for me to protect my writing from anyone who decides to sue me for whatever reason. You know there are crazy people in this world. Both websites fall under this company.
For this blog, I will be honest and say I probably won’t post more than once a week unless I get people to do guest posts. Writer Notes will focus on writing, of course. I want to share those things that I have learned along the way as I became a published author. I may also choose to review books I read on my own.
Trust me when I say I have learned A LOT about writing. I know I am not supposed to use the words “a lot,” but they are the only words that come to mind right now. I enjoy helping others learn so I am sharing my knowledge. I hope you don’t mind.
Even if you aren’t a writer yourself, maybe I will give you encouragement to give it a try, especially if it’s something you have thought about doing. If I do book reviews, perhaps you will give the author a chance. I know plenty of indie authors trying to be successful. You know at least of them.
Thanks so much for your support over the past year or so since I published my first indie book. I plan on many more books where those first two come from!
Good luck with your business! I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say about writing 🙂